Hola Gente! Acá va un videíto del partido de fútbol americano que fuimos a ver el sábado al mediodía. En mi defensa debo decir que esto lo filmé al principio del partido, por ende no tenía idea de lo que estaba pasando en la cancha, pero más o menos llegando al final del juego pude entender como viene la mano.
Hi guys! The video you've probably just seen was made last Saturday and it is basically a description of what I see. This is more or less what I say throughout the video:
"Well, this is an American football match. I don’t really get why they change players every two minutes, and there’s a whole lot of people, look at all those players waiting to play. All those guys (the ones in black and gold) are Bryant’s players (which is the home team), and if I turn around you can see Bryant’s stands which are full of people, everyone seems to be here today. There’s Afef and Emilie (both French fulbrighters). And what you can hear right now is Bryant’s cheerleading squad, the girls are cheering for the bulldogs which is how Bryant’s team is called. Right opposite me you can see the visitor’s stands, apparently not many fans were able to come. And aaalll those guys in yellow and white areMerrimack ’s players. And now they are about to play…and I don’t know exactly what’s happening, they’re pushing each other a lot…Every move they make, they stop, a bunch of players leave the field and another bunch enters it (as you can see right now in the video). And there they go again, they get ready, start playing, and run around aimlessly (or so it seems to me) god knows in pursue of what. I really like our football better. Ok, I’m gonna stop now, one last picture of the cheerleaders for my friends to enjoy and I’m definitely gonna stop talking to myself before people start staring at me. It’s really not a good idea to talk to yourself out loud, specially in Spanish."
"Well, this is an American football match. I don’t really get why they change players every two minutes, and there’s a whole lot of people, look at all those players waiting to play. All those guys (the ones in black and gold) are Bryant’s players (which is the home team), and if I turn around you can see Bryant’s stands which are full of people, everyone seems to be here today. There’s Afef and Emilie (both French fulbrighters). And what you can hear right now is Bryant’s cheerleading squad, the girls are cheering for the bulldogs which is how Bryant’s team is called. Right opposite me you can see the visitor’s stands, apparently not many fans were able to come. And aaalll those guys in yellow and white are
4 comentarios:
Jajaja. Genial transmisión de bobadas yanquis (que serán como las nuestras, nomás, pero no se entienden). Deberías considerar seriamente una carrera como cronista de TV. En serio, no digo periodista deportiva porque por ahí es un poco aburrido...Anyway, Bonadeo `s got nothing on you!
I can almost picture the next Olympics opening ceremony reported by none other than our very own Lina!: "Fuegos artificiles... y más fuegos artificiales... y unos tipos que parece que bailan, pero vaya uno a saber..." jajaja. En serio, yo lo miraría con gusto.
Un abrazo grande, loca.
PD: Las porristas no son para tanto (a little on the chubby side, if you ask me), en las películas es otra cosa, che!
Viste? Yo me escuchaba a mí misma relatando y pensaba "Oh my god, me convertí en Bonadeo, debo dejar de mirar los juegos olímpicos"
En cuanto a lo de las porristas, coincido totalmente. Igual, ha de ser que a la gente acá les importa bastante menos la apariencia, porque si vos vieras las minas que yo veo usando unos shortcitos minúsculos o unos vestidos que son casi una remera...ahí te darías cuenta de una o dos cosas: a)que las argentinas somos unas acomplejadas de mierda y/o b)que tenemos bastante mejor gusto para vestirnos.
La verdad que me gusta mas el Futbol nuestro !!CHE!!, jajaja, si alguien ablava español, seguro que se dio cuenta que sos Argentina, jajaja.
Ademas ya se porque estas feliz, por lo que e visto asta ahora las minas son todas gordas y feitas, asta las porristas.
bueno te dejo saluditos.
Estas hecha una fucking yankee!!! primero con las porristas que ya que estoy te digo que no tienen nada que hacer al lado tuyo, les enviamos una muestra de lo buena que es la carne argentina, no por nada dicen que es la mejor del mundo!! jajajja.
Me mato la foto con los marines juaaazzzz!!! lo unico que te falta para completar la idea americana es hacer un graffiti que diga die Bin Ladden y estas completa!!! jajjajaj. Un besote y que te sigas aventurando en las boludeces americanas. Have fun!
PS: todavia no se como firmar como cachetes. ajjajjaj
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